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Publications and Papers
By Dr. Stephen M. Rasey
- Rasey, Stephen M., 2008, “Managing Trade offs between Conflicting Goals through a Portfolio Visualization Process”, AAPG Bulletin, v.92 no.10, Oct. 2008, pgs 1337-1357. Written paper from AAPG 2005 International Conference, Sept. 14, 2005, Paris, France, Published in an AAPG special Issue: “Risk and Uncertainty in E&P”.
Abstract & PDF from our site
Abstract from geoscienceworld - Rasey, Stephen M., “Managing Trade offs between Conflicting Goals through a Portfolio Visualization Process”, AAPG 2005 International Conference, Sept. 14, 2005, Paris, France. PowerPoint Slide Deck
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Visualization and Interactive Filtering of Strategy Driven Portfolios as an Alternative to LP Optimization.”, SPE 94676, 2005 SPE Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium, Dallas, TX, April 5, 2005.
- Rasey, Stephen M., Juan Garcia Gaona, and Brett Edwards, “A Flexible Evergreen Portfolio Management Process Implemented Within PEMEX Exploration and Production (PEP) using Spotfire® and BlitzPort™ “, AAPG 2004 International Conference, October 27, 2004, Cancun, Mexico. (Available upon request from WiserWays.)
Abstract: searchanddiscovery.net short abstracts - Rasey, Stephen M., “WiserWays Spotfire Hurricane Track Analyzer: Hurricane Path Prediction using Historical Hurricane Track Data in Spotfire”, Spotfire Builders BLOG, September 10, 2004, (offline as of Dec.2008); Web Archive of Spotfirepeople Blog
- Rasey, Stephen M., “WiserWays Spotfire Case Study: Hurricane Prediction from Historical data”, August 22, 2004, Case Study Objective: Can I take a table of historical hurricane tracks data, place it into Spotfire and help understand where hurricanes have moved in the past from the same position at the same time of year?, Hurricane Lilly Case Study
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Portfolio Analysis Decision Making With Spotfire® and BlitzPort™”, Spotfire Energy User’s Forum, February 10, 2004, Houston, TX Summary or Download the Houston Portofolio Analysis pdf
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Spotfire Communicates Portfolio Analysis of Investment Opportunities using Efficient Frontiers of Many Measures”, Spotfire San Francisco Users Meeting, October 15, 2003, San Francisco, CA, Slide Show spotfire.com San Francisco Conference or pdf version.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Spotfire Communicates Portfolio Analysis of Investment Opportunities using Efficient Frontiers of Many Measures”, Spotfire London Users Meeting, May 20-21, 2003, Hertfordshire, UK,View slides online or PDF version
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Spotfire Enables Portfolio Analysis of Investment Opportunities on Efficient Frontiers of Many Measures “, Spotfire Energy Users Meeting, February 20, 2003, The Woodlands, TX slideshow or PDF of Woodlands Presentation
- Rasey, Stephen, M., “Faster and Better Exploration at ChevronTexaco with Spotfire”
Spotfire 2002 US Users Conference, April 30, 2002, Philadelphia, PA,
Spotfire 2002 User Conference PDF - Neimoller, Cathy and Rasey, Stephen M., “Spotfire® Technology Helps ChevronTexaco Achieve “Efficient Frontier ”Portfolio Optimization” , 2002.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Spotfire use at Texaco Exploration”, Spotfire Oil and Gas Seminar Houston, Texas, October 19, 2001. HAL-PC Microsoft Office and Excel Special Interest Group
www.excelsig.org, Rasey, Stephen M (editor and primary author), June 2000 to August 2005 (site is no longer online). Monthly Agenda, Meeting Notes, Presentations, Articles on Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices. - Rasey, Stephen M., “Confidence Analysis without Simulation” Texaco Technology Conference, Aug. 25, 1998.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “The Texaco Prospect Inventory and the Development of the Seagate Holos Database”, Texaco Technology Conference, Aug. 24, 1998.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Prospect Reserve Size Estimation Dependent Upon Trap Size and Hydrocarbon Charge Potential”, Texaco Technology Conference, Aug. 23, 1998.
- Exploration Evaluation Process Seminar, in house training course with manual by Chevron and Texaco for Caltex Pacific Indonesia, taught Sept. 1997, Rumbai Camp, Sumatra, Indonesia.
- Probabilistic Reserves Workshop, in house training course with manual by Chevron and Texaco for Caltex Pacific Indonesia, taught Sept. 1997, Rumai and Duri Camps, Sumatra, Indonesia.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Play Risk Analysis using Markov Chains” AAPG Headberg Conference on Risk, Snowbird, UT, July 1993.
- Rasey, Stephen M, “An Oscillator Influences Oil Prices,” Paper presented at Economics panel discussion lead by Hadsell, Frank, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Las Vegas Convention, 1983.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “A Fast and Inexpensive Method to Determine the Minimum Present Valued Cost Design of Long Distance, Large Diameter Slurry Pipelines by Using Geometric and Dynamic Programming”, Ph. D. Dissertation, Colorado School of Mines, T-2350, 1981.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Optimal Design of Coal Slurry Pipelines”, ORSA/TIMS Convention, TA08.2, October 25-28, 1987, St Louis, MO.
- Rasey, Stephen M. and Faddick, Robert R., “Slurry Pipeline Design with Geometric Programming”, Transportation Engineering Journal of ASCE, V. 106 No. TE6, p 815-827, November 1980.
- Rasey, Stephen M., “Optimized Coal Slurry Pipeline Design on a Microcomputer”, ORSA/TIMS Convention, 1980, Milwaukee, WI Faddick, Robert R, and Rasey, Stephen M., “Pipeline Design with Geometric Programming” American Society of Civil Engineers Convention, October 23-25, 1979, Atlanta, #3697, 17p.
Spotfire Conference PDFss
- Spotfire Energy Uses Confernce - Houston - Feb. 10, 2004
- Spotfire San Francisco Users Conference - October 15, 2003
- Spotfire London Users Conference - May 20, 2003
- Spotfire Energy Users Conference, Feb. 20, 2003